Version vom 13. Februar 2013, 11:55 Uhr von Hamatoma (Diskussion | Beiträge)
- List: ['a', 1]; x[1] = 5
- Tupel: ('a', 1), ro
Spezielle Methoden/Attribute
- Statische Methoden:
class X: @staticmethod def doIt(param): pass X.doIt(True)
- Feststellen, ob Attribut existiert: hasattr(instance, nameOfAttribute)
x = { 'key' : 'val', 'xyz': 3 } x['key'] = value del x['key']; contains = 'key' in x and 'key2' not in x size = len(x) for pair in x.iteritems(): key = pair[0] for key in x.iterkeys(): print key
- x.itervalues()
- x.setdefault(key[, value]): setzt Wert nur, wenn noch nicht gesetzt
- x.keys(), x.values()
- x.copy(): flache Kopie
- x.update(dict): addiert dict zu x
s = set(['y', 3]) ; f = frozenset(['y', 3]) for elem in s: print elem size = len(s) contains = 3 in s and 4 not in s intersection = s & f union = s | f isPartOf = s <= f diff = s - f
with open(self._filename, "r") as fp: for line in fp: print line fp.close()
isStringOrSubclass = isinstance(aVariable, str) isString = type(aVariable) is str