Python: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 90: Zeile 90:
date4 = time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%f dayOfTheWeek: %w', date3)
date4 = time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%f dayOfTheWeek: %w', date3)
# Scannen aus Text:
# Scannen aus Text:
date5 = datetime.datetime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
date5 = datetime.datetime.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
timeTuple = time.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
timeTuple = time.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
# mktime interpretiert lokale Zeit!
# mktime interpretiert lokale Zeit!

Version vom 29. Mai 2020, 10:53 Uhr


   raise Exception("not allowed")
except ValueError as error:
   print('value error: ' + repr(error))
except SyntaxError as error:
   print('syntax error: ' + repr(error))
    raise Exception("unknown")

Regular Expression

rexpr = compile(r"([\da-z]+)")
match = rexpr.match(line)
if match != None:
   number = (int)



  • "x" und 'x' sind gleichwertig
  • Formatierung
"{:3.7f} {:s} {:07d}".format(3.14, "hello", 100)
"{0:d} / {0:x}".format(714)
"{}-{}: {}".format('abc.txt', 9, 7.99)
  • Bytes -> String: b'data'.decode("utf-8")
  • String -> Bytes: "string".encode("utf-8")

Container (List)

  • List: ['a', 1]; x[1] = 5; x.insert(0, 'firstItem'); x.remove('a'); ix=x.index('a'); del x[0];
    • list1 = list1 + list2
  • Tupel: t = ('a', 1); l = list(t)
  • list2 = [x for x in range(3)]


x = { 'key' : 'val', 'xyz': 3 }
x['key'] = value
del x['key'];
contains = 'key' in x and 'key2' not in x
size = len(x)
for pair in x.iteritems():
  key = pair[0]
for key in x.iterkeys():
  print key
  • x.itervalues()
  • x.setdefault(key[, value]): setzt Wert nur, wenn noch nicht gesetzt
  • x.keys(), x.values()
  • x.copy(): flache Kopie
  • x.update(dict): addiert dict zu x


s = set(['y', 3]) ; f = frozenset(['y', 3]) 
for elem in s:
  print elem
size = len(s)
contains = 3 in s and 4 not in s
intersection = s & f
union = s | f
isPartOf = s <= f
diff = s - f


import datetime, time
# ab hour optional:
date1 = datetime.datetime(2019, 4, 1, 22, 44, 12, 123456)
timeX = date1.timestamp() # float, sec since epoc
formatted = date1.strftime('%Y.%m.%dT%H:%M:%S')
now =
daylySeconds = (now.time().hour*60+now.time().minute)*60+now.time().second
yesterday = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.time() - 24*3600)
firstOfMonth = date1.replace(day=1)
asStringMicroseconds = date1.strftime('%Y.%m.%dT%H:%M:%S.%f dayOfTheWeek (e.g. "Sun"): %a')
weekNo = date1.strftime('%W')
# returns e.g. '08'
date2 = time.time()
date3 = time.localtime(date2)
date4 = time.strftime('%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S.%f dayOfTheWeek: %w', date3)
# Scannen aus Text:
date5 = datetime.datetime.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
timeTuple = time.strptime("30 Nov 00", "%d %b %y")
# mktime interpretiert lokale Zeit!
time2 = time.mktime(timeTuple)
#  calendar.timegm()¶ interpretiert GM-Time
time3 = calendar.timegm(timeTuple)


isStringOrSubclass = isinstance(aVariable, str)
isString = type(aVariable) is str
isList = type([1, 2]) is list
isDict = type({ 0:"a", 1:"b" }) is dict

Spezielle Methoden/Attribute

  • Statische Methoden:
class X:
   # statische Variable
   _data = []
   def add(item):

  • Feststellen, ob Attribut existiert: hasattr(instance, nameOfAttribute)
  • dynamischer Code:
exec 'import ' + module
  • Vollständige Kopie (deep copy):
import copy
x = [1, 2]
y = copy.deepcopy(x)
  • Superclass-Konstruktor:
class Parent:
   def __init__(self, name)
      self._name = name
class Child(Parent):
   def __init__(self, name):
      Parser.__init__(self, name)

Funktionale Programmierung

import functools, math
array = [ 1, 9, 7, 5 ]
max = functools.reduce(lambda rc, item: item if item > rc else rc, array, -1E+100)
squares = list(map(lambda x: x*x, array))
squares2 = list(filter(lambda x: int(math.sqrt(x)) == math.sqrt(x), array))

Typische Situationen

Externes Programm aufrufen

with supbprocess.popen([ '/usr/bin/wc', '-l', file ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) as proc:
   count = int(


  • Lesen:
with open(self._filename, "r") as fp:
  for line in fp:
  # fp.close() ist implizit
  • Schreiben:
with open(self._filename, "w") as fp:


Aufruf Superclass-Konstruktor

class B (A):
  def __init__(self, a):
    A.__init__(self, a)

Abstrakte Klasse

class A:

def process(self):

== Verschachtelte Methoden ==
class Example:
  def scan(self, file):
     lineNo = 0
     for line in file:
       lineNo += 1
       if line.startswith('[':
           chapter = Chapter(line[1:-1])
       elif re.match(r'\w+='):
           var, value = line.split('=')
           chapter._vars[var] = value
           _error('invalid input')
      def _error(msg):
         print("line {}: {}\n{}".format(lineNo, msg, line)

Klasse als Sequenz

Damit eine Klasse mit "x in classInstance" angesprochen werden kann, muss es einen Iterator geben. Im Beispiel wird dies in einer Klasse zusammengefasst:__iter__() liefert als Iterator sich selbst und __next__() implementiert diesen Iterator:

class Example:
  def __init__():
    self._nextItems = []
  def __iter__():
    self._nextItems = [1, 2, 3]
    return self
  def __next__():
    if len(self._nextItem) == 0:
      raise StopIteration
      rc = self._nextItems[0]
      del self._nextItems[0]
      return rc
  def next():
    return self.__next__()


  • einfach mindestens ein "yield <value>" in die Funktion einfügen
  • Bei Rekursion: yield from <method_call>
def nextFile(directory)
 for node in os.listdir(directory):
  full = directory + os.sep + node
  yield full
  if os.path.isdir(full):
    yield from nextFile(full)