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We use the module "Users" as example

  • Create a metadata description: lib/meta/users_meta.dart
import 'module_meta_data.dart';

class UserMeta extends ModuleMetaData  {
  static UserMeta instance = UserMeta.internal();
  UserMeta.internal() : super('Users',
      PropertyMetaData('id', DataType.reference, ':primary:', 'combo'),
      PropertyMetaData('name', DataType.string, ':notnull:', '', size: 64),
      PropertyMetaData('displayName', DataType.string, ':unique:notnull:', '', size: 32),
      PropertyMetaData('email', DataType.string, ':unique:notnull:', '', size: 255),
      PropertyMetaData('role', DataType.reference, ':notnull:', ''),
      PropertyMetaData('created', DataType.datetime, '', ''),
      PropertyMetaData('createdBy', DataType.string, '', '', size: 32),
      PropertyMetaData('changed', DataType.datetime, '', ''),
      PropertyMetaData('changedBy', DataType.string, '', '', size: 32),
    tableName: 'loginusers',
  factory UserMeta(){
    return instance;
  • Create some source files: (for example: the module "Users")
# precondition: the current directory is the base folder of the dev-app.
mkdir -p lib/meta/users
# The following call works without meta data. It works without recreation of the tool:
./Meta show-modules Users >lib/meta/modules.dart
# Now we need a new instance of the meta_tool (to realize the meta data changes):
./Meta show-data >lib/page/users/user_data.dar
# Show the SQL definition:
./Meta show-table Users
  • Create all source files:
# precondition: the current directory is the base folder of the dev-app.
# The following call works without meta data. It works without recreation of the tool:
./Meta update-modules-names
# Now we need a new instance of the ./Meta (to realize the meta data changes):
./Meta update-modules-files
./Meta update-sql

Important Locations

  • Application menu page: lib/setting/drawer_xxx.dart: Definition route + Icon
  • Starting route: lib/page/start_page.dart: globalData.navigate(context, '/Users/list');

Typical Adaptions

  • all *_custom.dart:
    • buildFrame(): formular elements (widgets)
    • build(): "rows = attendedPage.getRows(...)": column list, column adaptions (onColumnOfRecord)
    • requestRecords(): parameters of the database query
  • list_user_custom.dart:
    • buildFrame(): table headers

Handling of a Combobox

  • all *_custom.dart:
  comboRolesFromBackend(attendedPage: attendedPage, onDone: () => setState(() => 1));
  final itemsRoles =
        comboRoles(i18n.trDyn(GlobalTranslations.comboboxSelect), attendedPage);
    value: itemsRoles == null || itemsRoles.length == 1 ? 0 : _fieldData.role,
    items: itemsRoles,
    isExpanded: true,
    decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: i18n.tr('Role')),
    onChanged: (value) => _fieldData.role = value ?? 0,
  weight: 6),
class _FieldData {
  int role;